Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The lost posts

I fell in love this weekend. He was deep, hot, enticing and full of sparks. He comforted me after a long week at work. He brought ecstasy to my mouth. Sure he was difficult in the beginning but once we let our guards down and became comfortable I could not resist. I don't know how I have lived the past 28 years without him in my life. What is the name of this magical being?

His name is Fry Daddy. Bianca introduced us and I am hooked. I can not stop thinking about him. My taste buds keep asking, when are we going to see him again!!!

Roll Call!

Funnel Cake------------------------Check
Mashed Potatoes-------------------Check
Baked Potatoes---------------------Check
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups---------Check
Hush Puppies-----------------------Check
Corn Dogs--------------------------Check
Chicken Nuggets-------------------Check
Smores bars-----------------------Check

Fresh green beans-----------------Check
Portobello mushroom-------------Check

And to top it off we had a bucket of Margaritas! Maybe it was the tequila that made us fall in love. Anyway, this is the story of my first, second, third, fourth love!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So what if I still don't have a plan!

I feel like I have recently surrounded myself with people who have plans. This is great, except it reminds me of how much I don't have a plan. I've never been a planner. I am constantly forgetting something at home. I spend 99% of my planning abilities at work or on the micro-level. I still recall an ex telling me, "I wish you would figure out what you want to do with your life. It's going to be great whatever it is." Still waiting.... Sure it hurt at the time but I feel like I'm falling more into the "so what" category. When I over-planned things didn't always pan out the way I imagined they would so why can't I just go with it? In a world where I have applied to what feels like a 100 jobs and I can't get past an informational call, it's hard to make a career plan. We'll see what happens in the future but for now I think I'm going to be a cheerleader for everyone else's plans.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Long Time, No See

Um, yeah, true to form this resolution vanished as quickly as my pantsuit. To give myself credit I rocked the pantsuit for 3 full weeks until I ran out of button up shirts. A trip to the dry cleaner is in order but I need a Groupon first. You can see my dilemma. To keep the glass half full I have managed to brunch monthly and happy hour weekly. It's the little things that count. I also had a huge win when I got my Vancouver vacation approved. How aboot that Canada?

Other updates:

I'm now 4 cooking classes in and I still can't make grilled cheese but I have faith in my ability to make chili.

Hooray! The peanut butter making is back on! Not only that but after some Chopped inspiration I whipped up a peanut butter cream and shoved it inside of a cupcake. It's my version of a funny bone.

The Wire. I can't tell you the last time I wanted to skip work and stay home watching television. It might have been Dawson's Creek when I rewatched the entire show back in 2004. Season 5 so far speaks me, I think it's because it reminds me of my roommate and friends. The newsroom seems so exciting, the camaraderie is endearing. It also reminds of when NT used to sell me back free sodas at work. Sure it annoyed the heck out of me but I can't knock her hustle. That's what I want in my new 9-5 home, camaraderie and jokes.

After a truly upsetting wake up call, I was reminded life is short and you better take advantage of it.

Related to the above I'm still trudging along and attempting to find a new 9-5 "home." After three years of searching it almost becomes comical at this point. I mean really, how many applications can one fill out? I'll let you know when I finally find something.

My bacon love runs deep, so far three people have contacted me about the new Jack in the Box milkshake. I'm transparent, what can I say?

And finally puppygate! We will start the dog search this weekend. I'll need my main squeeze to reign in my desire to take home every puppy I see. I'll commend him in advance because in his words, "sometimes there is no stopping me."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4 Days in and...

I've really been on a roll. Tonight is my first time volunteering at the Whole Foods Kitchen. I will attempt to be the teacher's prep cook for her sushi training class. Why am I doing this, well for starters I want to know how to make sushi, and for finishers, I get to eat it after class is over. Yep, 2012 is about saving and free meals are part of that agenda. Once I volunteer for 4 classes I get a 5th class free, as a participant, not a volunteer. I'm excited, possibly thinking about taking the french cuisine class. I'm hoping I can convince the teacher to let me hold my own private Chopped competition there.

(Tasting with knife) This puree is a little thick, almost like baby food. The spices were there but the texture is off. In regards to the rest of your plate, I think as a whole it's very thoughtful. It brings me back to a happy place. When a plate can do that, it's a winner in my book.

Here's to hoping that by the end of 2012 I can successfully make a grill cheese sandwich or even better, a cupcake!

Other updates:

I have successfully suited up for 3 days of work. I can't say it's comfortable but I do feel a difference. "Dress for the job you want, not the one you have."

As much as it hurts, I have narrowed it down to 4-5 weddings this year. I just can't afford 8, when you start breathing hard in your fake cube just thinking about it you know tough decisions need to be made.

I am attempting to network into something bigger and better. It's never worked before but it doesn't mean it can't happen!!!

I am taking a vacation for myself. One where I can have a cocktail at 3pm if I want, where I can sleep until 12 but really get up at 9 well rested and excited about the day, one where I can feel like, phew, I'm relaxed AND saw someplace new. If I wish it, it will come.

I hope I don't read this post in 7 months thinking, whoa, maybe I was a little ambitious about the year.

Also, why is everyone up in arms about the Iowa caucuses. It's always been a weird state and hasn't indicated anything in the past. Maybe it's because I've always been a registered independent and have never been able to vote in the primaries anyway. Thanks TN for allowing me to vote this year!