Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4 Days in and...

I've really been on a roll. Tonight is my first time volunteering at the Whole Foods Kitchen. I will attempt to be the teacher's prep cook for her sushi training class. Why am I doing this, well for starters I want to know how to make sushi, and for finishers, I get to eat it after class is over. Yep, 2012 is about saving and free meals are part of that agenda. Once I volunteer for 4 classes I get a 5th class free, as a participant, not a volunteer. I'm excited, possibly thinking about taking the french cuisine class. I'm hoping I can convince the teacher to let me hold my own private Chopped competition there.

(Tasting with knife) This puree is a little thick, almost like baby food. The spices were there but the texture is off. In regards to the rest of your plate, I think as a whole it's very thoughtful. It brings me back to a happy place. When a plate can do that, it's a winner in my book.

Here's to hoping that by the end of 2012 I can successfully make a grill cheese sandwich or even better, a cupcake!

Other updates:

I have successfully suited up for 3 days of work. I can't say it's comfortable but I do feel a difference. "Dress for the job you want, not the one you have."

As much as it hurts, I have narrowed it down to 4-5 weddings this year. I just can't afford 8, when you start breathing hard in your fake cube just thinking about it you know tough decisions need to be made.

I am attempting to network into something bigger and better. It's never worked before but it doesn't mean it can't happen!!!

I am taking a vacation for myself. One where I can have a cocktail at 3pm if I want, where I can sleep until 12 but really get up at 9 well rested and excited about the day, one where I can feel like, phew, I'm relaxed AND saw someplace new. If I wish it, it will come.

I hope I don't read this post in 7 months thinking, whoa, maybe I was a little ambitious about the year.

Also, why is everyone up in arms about the Iowa caucuses. It's always been a weird state and hasn't indicated anything in the past. Maybe it's because I've always been a registered independent and have never been able to vote in the primaries anyway. Thanks TN for allowing me to vote this year!