Cat inspired me to write a new blog post so here goes....
Nut butter, hehe. My obsession with peanut butter has been long-standing. Besides tennis, many of my other hobbies do not have the same longevity as my love of peanut butter. Yes, I did just call eating peanut butter a hobby. I did so because it makes me happy and I look at it as a pastime. Think about it, what else has comforted you more than eating a PB and J sandwich? (Don't answer if you hate PB or have a severe allergy to the nut.) PB is there to hide vegetables that I hate, to fill chocolate cups, sustenance or to cheer up the 5 year old me when I had a bad day.
FINE! I also called it a hobby because that is what it has turned into. For the past two years, I've been talking about making peanut butter. My inspiration came from the Whole Foods natural peanut butter machine. My god was what easy! Quickly thereafter arrived the Cuisinart, an email to Justin of Justin's Nut Butter, nuts from the farmers' market, a domain and the name, "I Can't Believe It's Nut Butter." The first attempt of deshelling worked but was completely unrealistic. I then discovered a great company in Georgia that would become my main supplier. Our fridge began to fill up with PB and I was off! That may be an overstatement, I was off like a snail, not a horse.
To help motivate, start grinding and stop being a dilettante, I decided what better way than to shame myself publicly. It worked for my dating life, right? Right...
So what's taking so long?
To start, finances. I must maintain my day job to be able to afford the hobby. Sometimes the day job turns into a night job and I'm frankly just too tired to come home and bake. Perhaps Kickstarter is the answer. Second major setback is my many other passions and desires. I constantly debate about giving law school another try. A real try. There is also my desire to make the planet a better place for generations of my mini cupcakes. Although I do wonder if I moved to a more sustainable city if this passion would subside. While in SF I was happy to live my life knowing that the city was doing its part. In Nashville, I want to lead a major overhaul. Finally, my love of Asia and Asian Studies. The degree, while interesting, has proved to be less useful below the Mason-Dixon line.
In a nutshell, couldn't help myself, I'm try to get this thing going. At the very least my friends can enjoy some tasty free nut butter.
Yelp Elite Week: Badges & Bowls at Island Fin Poké Co. (5/5) on Yelp
This was a pleasant surprise! I've been eyeing Island Fin Poke but haven't
made it in. Thanks Yelp for getting me there! I got the signature ahi bowl
and i...
1 month ago
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