Have you ever seen the French film, "The Dinner Party?" If you haven't it I would suggest renting it. This past Wednesday I arranged a happy hour so my friends could meet one of the guys I met on E-harmony. Sure I might have been throwing him to the wolves but I did it anyway. When I arrived my friends had all been sitting there picking out their own favorite Travis. The winner would receive a free drink. They even said they were yelling out "Travis" and waited to see who turned around. After surveying the room and realizing he hadn't arrived yet I still let each of them go through and explain which one was their Travis and why. Some even felt their Travis was better than the real Travis. It was getting pretty intense and people were wildly pointing out Travises. One of which looked exactly like Phuc. I let it go because I didn't know if Phuc would get upset that I told him some guy looked like him. (You know how some people are, that doesn't look like me!) The happy hour progresses and people are pointing at every guy or girl who walks in the door, "Travis!" During the commotion Phuc looks over at me and says, "That guy looks like me with a beard." I hadn't seen my friend laugh that hard in awhile, it had been the same guy he pointed out earlier as a Travis. The funniest part about this is his name is Peter, Phuc's deli alias. At my birthday there was a hip-hop Phuc sighting. I may need to put an ad on Craigslist, if you look like this man head to Washington Square, Sunday, March 23rd at 2pm.
When the real Travis finally arrived there was a debate on who spotted him first. By then we had already been drinking a good two hours. Fortunately the people outside had a non-affiliated witness. From then all I can say is he truly was thrown into the gauntlet and he surprisingly came out alive.
The consensus you ask? One friend said, "Let me put it this way, if I ran into him in a dark alley I'd clutch my purse and grab my mace." Another sent me an e-mail template on how to break up with him. The last one, he actually liked him, said he was a good solid guy.
They did all agree on one thing, the friend. See "She never fails to remind me of Karma" for more info.
Update on the creeper:
I came into work, popped open my e-mail and there it was waiting for me to double click. The creeper sent a message to inform me he just wanted to say Hi, thank me again for the help (2nd or 3rd time) and that he was going to take a nap in the library.
Crazy Blind Date:
A few weeks ago I heard of this website called crazyblinddate.com. My coworker signed up and to my delight has become a personal guinea pig. The concept goes: you pick what type of guy you want, the usual stats, height, figure, etc. Then you choose section of the city you want to meet, date and time and cafe or bar. Crazy blind date finds a match for you, sends you a blurred photo with the stats from above. You either accept or deny the date and you're off! The first man she was supposed to meet classified himself as an "other." What is an other you ask, I don't know but we settled on an aboriginal, possibly from the Sierras who climbed down just for her date. My main concern was why do these guys keep asking to meet her in the Castro. She was concerned she put down the wrong sex on her profile.
Anyhow, 30 minutes prior to the date, CBD sends a text to your phone. Through the CBD service you can send a text to your date letting him or her know you are coming and how they should find you. So Friday night around 7:30 she gets the text. We tried hardcore to have her date meet up at EZ5 instead of the Castro but I don't blame her for rejecting our grand idea.
I should note she only drinks once a month and on this fine evening she choose to have a few drinks. She arrives at the Starbucks Castro to realize she needs to use the bathroom from all the booze and that this date may not be starting out on the proper foot. She owned up to her date and told him she had gone to happy hour and that he caught her on the one day a month she drinks. After checking out the line she convinces her date to go over to "preference friendly" Harvey's for dinner. Apparently Friday night is male couple date night. Her date rolled with it and they sat down to eat. As an aside our other coworker said bringing him to Harveys was a good test to see if he was actually gay or not.
Back to the date, earlier in the evening she noticed he had a hickey on his neck but couldn't quite figure out how to approach the subject. Thankfully when she got back from the bathroom the waiter was eyeing her man and commented on his lovely hickey. She took this opportunity to see if a girl was marking her territory or if he had an unfortunate incident with a hoover. He denied both accounts. Note to anyone who plans on doing internet dating, never show up with a hickey!! Her friends decided if there was a second date she needed to show up drunk and say, "Sorry man I really only drink two days a month and you caught me on my second day." All and all the first date was a winner and they are now rated on CBD as a true success stories.
roll e-harmony music...."this will be everlasting love, this will be, the one I've waited for...."
Yelp Elite Week: Badges & Bowls at Island Fin Poké Co. (5/5) on Yelp
This was a pleasant surprise! I've been eyeing Island Fin Poke but haven't
made it in. Thanks Yelp for getting me there! I got the signature ahi bowl
and i...
1 month ago
if i still had a beard and was 30 lbs heavier
i am so sending the pic of phuc and peter once i upload it to my computer.
Wow! That's Phuc's older brother, Luke! I mean, Lhuc.
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