I was talking with my friend last night and the topic of dating inevitably came up. He told me about his night with his girlfriend and I said, oh that sounds like a great date. He gave me a puzzled look and answered, "Date? I don't even know what a date is. We hang out." Which brings me to today's dating culture. I don't think I've ever been on a formal date either, ok fine the prom and 2004 Black and White Ball. Even in the online world I feel like it's more of a mutual meeting of two lonely people. Even though I have taken to using the word "date" I still don't think it's formally been a date, more like a job interview. I will have to say one tried to come pick me up at my house but I vetoed that real fast. It's too soon for him to know where I live. My point in all this you ask?? Tuesday afternoon I think I may have accidentally gone on a date.
But first, the back story! I was standing in my office and a law student, who shall remain anonymous, comes in with a plate of food. As usual I mention, oh that looks good, where did you get it from? (My office never turns down free food.) He then proceeds to offer me his obviously partially eaten plate. Umm...no thanks, I'm good. Oh, well I can go down and get you some food. No no, I'm ok. You sure you don't want my food? No, seriously, I'm good. Ten minutes later my coworker and I head down to get some free food and there he is standing in the room. I'm not sure if he even knew my name at that point but in about 5 seconds he was helping me get food and inviting me to the gun range with him on Friday. It felt a bit fast, plus just as I try not to get into cars with strangers, I prefer not to go to the gun range with them as well.
Fast-Forward to Tuesday.....
The weather was gorgeous so I decided to head down to Mervyn's, Best Buy and Subway. On my way into Best Buy I ran into said law student from above. He chatted me up a bit, why was I here, etc. I explained I needed headphones and surprisingly enough so did he! He immediately took charge and had us over in the headphone section. After showing me all that Best Buy offered I told him it was not what I was looking for and I wanted Zune headphones with the soft ear pillows, not this plasticy-rubber thing they want you to shove in your ears. (High maintenance I know.) Again he instantaneously has a sales rep explaining where the Zune department is located. Thats when he got serious. Now that we are out of USF lets chat openly. He told me his drama for the week, I told him I probably wouldn't get headphones today and he invited me over to the washer section. "Do you have time, would you mind taking a walk with me?" Unfortunately I did not but he offered me a ride back to school anyway. I politely declined and he said, well, ok, I will walk you out. (Out to where? The only place we could go was the parking lot and I still needed to head to Subway.) He handed over his headphones to the security guard and asked him to hold it for a sec. We walked through the doors and stopped. A huge awkward pause ensued and I almost felt obligated to give him a hug and thank him for a great time.
If I did accidentally go on my first date with this guy, I have to give this guy credit. He was so smooth I could of left there married and pregnant and wouldn't have known for two days. My coworker has nicknamed him, "the creeper."
Other highlights this week? 2 e-harmony run-ins. First, I ran into the law student I embarrassed about e-harmony and he cornered me wanting to know why I closed him. Sorry dude, I post your grades. He yelled in typical law student fashion, "Objection, Irrelevent!" He seemed to be over the initial embarrassment.
E-harmony run in part deux. As I was politely declining the gun range invitation another law student approaches me. You are....You work up there right? I saw your picture in the weirdest place. You should of seen the look of panic on my face, picture? Picture of what?? Then he walks away, covers his mouth and whispers, "e-harmony." I knew instantly who his "friend" was but he still refused to divulge his source. His source is going to get it next time he steps foot in this office.
Speaking of law students, you know how Haley Joel Osmond sees dead people? Well I see law students. ALL the time. Now there are two types of law students. The ones who see you at a bar and corner you. So this is what you are like outside of the office?? I didn't realize you actually went out and were cool. Nope I usually sleep in my cubicle but tonight the Registrar was kind enough to let me out. I feel like a zoo animal.
Then there are the others. They see you at a bar, you make eye contact and are forced to say hi. In return they stare at you blankly, oh I know you? Yep, I work in the Registrar's Office. More blank stares, I am the Summer Abroad Coordinator. Continuing their blank stare, have you ever helped me? Why yes, pretty often. Huh, with an accompanying state of perplexity. It's amazing how you are either labeled as this nerdy zoo creature or you are full on ignored and remain faceless no matter how many times you help a person.
So there you have it, my week in a nutshell, now this faceless zoo creature is taking her booty to happy hour.
Yelp Elite Week: Badges & Bowls at Island Fin Poké Co. (5/5) on Yelp
This was a pleasant surprise! I've been eyeing Island Fin Poke but haven't
made it in. Thanks Yelp for getting me there! I got the signature ahi bowl
and i...
1 month ago
1 comment:
Can I jut remind you that you can ignore the law students all together? I do it all the time. Well, half of the time that I go to Safeway, other times I wave enthusiastically like I'm someone's mom. I just saw a law student this morning and we had the whole conversation about how odd it was to see me outside of school. I had to explain that I generally try to avoid law students and that if I ever was asked a reg. question outside of work then I would mase the student. Luckily he got the joke... only thing is that it wasn't a joke at all.
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