I may not be able to Facebook or Tweet at work but I can blog! This is good, considering I have been ignoring my blog for awhile now. I got a job and boy did I forget how exhausting it is to work a full 8 hour shift, without my many scrabble, FB, IM, news breaks. My coworkers are obsessed with country and seem excited to be introducing me to the "wonderful" world of country. They were in shock when they found out I liked hip hop. One of them said, as in rap, do ya sing? She's very nice and very southern, but not the kind that hate northerners, the kind you want to be your friend. Speaking of I have been here for 1 month and 11 days and I am still friendless but I am trying to be positive, I know it takes time. In the meantime I've decided to volunteer at the Nashville Chinese School and it's been, uh interesting. Last weekend I manned the "store," used loosely because it's really a table in the gym at the local middle school. I sold paper, caligraphy paint brushes and Mickey DVD's in Chinese. I actually think I did quite well. I made over $200!! So the principal likes me and said I can come back next week and help out in the classroom and be the photographer at their moon festival. Funny thing, while I was working the table some woman kept talking to me in Chinese, sure she probably thought I understood since I am volunteering at a Chinese school, BUT it turns out she thought I was Chinese. She came over later and apologized, even funnier thing, it's not the first time someone thought I was Asian, or maybe they thought my friend was White. Either way, bizarre. It can be added to the list; confused as Latina and now Asian.
I can't say I am getting used to Southern life but I am definitely entertained. Chik-Fil-A might be one of the best things to happen to the South. They need to be open on Sundays, this religious stuff is really getting in the way of me enjoying an amazing chicken sandwich with pickles when I need one the most!
Alright more stories later but I want to leave you with a teaser. We are on a burger hunt. A burger hunt so big and so delicious it is going to take over a month to complete. *Drum Roll*
We are searching for the best fastfood burger in Nashville! Pictures and updates to come later on.
Yelp Elite Week: Badges & Bowls at Island Fin Poké Co. (5/5) on Yelp
This was a pleasant surprise! I've been eyeing Island Fin Poke but haven't
made it in. Thanks Yelp for getting me there! I got the signature ahi bowl
and i...
1 month ago
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Now that you live in the epicenter of lardarses, find & sample some exibits posted on this site:
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